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Independence is the fundamental requirement to ensure the reliability of the auditor’s work and to guarantee the credibility of the financial information disclosed by companies.


Independence and objectivity

The fundamental principles of Auditor

Objectivity, professional integrity and independence are the fundamental principles underlying Auditing. Objectivity, as a mental attitude, cannot be subjected to external verification, and integrity cannot be assessed in advance. Behavioural independence is the best way in which the Auditor can, in fact, and in the eyes of third parties, demonstrate that the Audit is carried out with objectivity and professional integrity. Maintaining “professional scepticism” at all times of the audit makes the approach uniform and professional in all its phases”.

Measures Adopted

Reducing Risk

The measures adopted aim to reduce the risk of conflicts of interest and to mitigate any situation or element that may threaten independence itself.


Safeguard Systems

In order to foresee circumstances that may threaten the independence of the Audit, all Professional Audit Group S.r.l. employees and collaborators apply specific procedures to intercept these risks. The measures adopted, therefore, have the objective of creating an adequate safeguard system intended as a set of behavioural rules, measures and check lists that allow and guarantee that audit autonomy is guaranteed in a context of objectivity and independence of judgement.


Not only Formalities

Independence from the audited party makes the correct methodological approach possible; only through “healthy” professional scepticism and constant monitoring of the analyses conducted will objectivity not be compromised.